OnFire OnFire - Dying

Turn off the lights
Come here give me a hug
Tell my children unto to
Those who do not care about me
I'm leaving

I feel cancer sprawling
By my lungs and
Preventing me from breathe I feel
Slowly dying
While a tear runs down my face

All of my memories
All my sins
All my novels
Finishing as a movie
Goth in a dawn

Winds and thunder, feel the death touch me,
My angel trying to save me
From my eternal condemnation
Kneeling under the feet of death!

Do not let go
Do not Let Go

But the worst part of this is dying to have to leave you
The worst part of this dying.... is having to leave you.
The worst part of living is to see the people you
Love die, the worst part of this living is watch you leave

Why did you take her?
I believed in you
I clung on you at all times
But when I needed your help
You ignored
That's when I get real
I was attached to something that seemed
Does not exist.

I wasted my time.
You're not in my heart
But anyway I'm a good person.
Tonight I am a free person
Tired of their dogmas
I'm tired of being manipulated.
But the worst part of this is dying to have to leave you
the worst part of this dying .... is having to leave you.
The worst part of living is to see the people you
Love die, The worst part of this living is watch you leave