OnFire OnFire - Everything Burn

Lost in the desert
Dying for a little water
Begging for a little attention
Seeing his figures everywhere

A mirage unnecessary
Maybe I suffer a little more
No more than I deserve

Where are
At least try to remember that I exist
At least try to remember what I said
Everything is beginning of the end
And I'm fading to a few

Waiting for help
But nobody seems to care
All around me do not realize
My camouflage
My smile very well established

Might not make sense
You may not know
But I still remember every detail
That was

The pain is never enough
She has settled in me
It is already part of my life
I have to live with the loss everyday

The flames consume everything
What I conquered
Everything burn
Nothing lasts forever
And I have to watch this closely
With a forced smile
While everything around me dies
The lights go out while I pretend to be well

The candles drop over alcohol
The last prayer
The last sentence
Everything burn in the desert

My memories
My story
My love